---------------------------------------- Note 2 future *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 4/1/80 11:38 pm tripp / udperuse / unidel future/unidel 3/14/80 8:32 am graper/udperuse/unidel Dear Adam: I guess we should think about something. Think about this though: When my dad was in the Navy (an admiral, of course) all the men on the ship where he lived had to go to these "entertainment" bonanzas on the stern end of the deck on Saturday nights for fun. Actually, they didn't have____ to go but their only choice was that or staring out at the Atlantic Ocean so they'd go and one week they had a speaker come who spoke to them on the future before they got to see a movie. Naturally they were impatient for the bastard to finish but my dad (who ran the projector) was interested. By dad's description, it went like this: ". . .and let me tell you, men, the future holds bright, bright hope. In 1970, everyone will have their own airplane and people can live in New York and commute to work in California. These airplanes will combine the best of automobiles and airplanes and will have a steering wheel with all the controls in the center of the wheel. And ---------------------------------------- Response 1 of 2 *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 4/1/80 11:39 pm tripp / udperuse / unidel in the 1970's, there will only be four day work weeks of 6 hour days. Things like this war (Korean War) will be a thing of the past since there will be a world government and people will be able to vacation in Moscow or Peking just like vacationing in Florida today. And everybody will live much longer, maybe 100 years, since there will be cures for almost every disease by then. With the new world government everyone in the world will speak Esperanto~ and everything written and spoken will be understood by everyone." Needless to say, my father always points out, none of it ever came true. Your Friend, Dr. Graper ---------------------------------------- Response 2 of 2 4/10/80 5:24 pm hedley davis / udauth / unidel Yes, But look what did become true. ( or, perhaps I should say 'who'. )