---------------------------------- Note 4 Lynch out 5/18/79 10:21 pm tripp / udps / unidel staffnotes/unidel 5/17/79 8:53 pm lynch/udplato/unidel I will be out of town for the next two weeks (approximately), beginning this Saturday. Jim Trueblood has agreed to take care of the music site and students in my absence. staffnotes/unidel 5/18/79 8:32 am hofstetter/p/unidel Bill is being very modest about this; he has been invited to the amsterdam plato project to teach them about the internal workings of the GUIDO system. Have a good time, Bill, but don't give away all of our secrets. ---------------------------------------- Response 1 of 2 *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 5/18/79 10:21 pm tripp / udps / unidel staffnotes/unidel 5/18/79 1:44 pm graper/udps/unidel [Amsterdamian] Ord Bill!: [English ] Dear Bill: [Amsterdamian] Swurd majestik o toopel mietne! [English ] Have a good time and don't forget to [Amsterdamian] Doppelt ugelbo Eskilsclogshop! [English ] bring me back something expensive. [Amsterdamian] Yur Bu"dde [English ] Your Friend Dave Graper ---------------------------------------- Response 2 of 2 *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 6/13/79 5:15 pm lynch / udplatox / unidel * lynch / cowo / brussels 6/7/79 9:54 pm * * graper / udps / unidel 6/6/79 12:30 pm * Dear Bill: Do they have any McDonalds' out there? Just curious. This note probably won't get through anyway. Just the same, man, I'd like you to come back and help explain this thing that I've been trying to figure out for a while now, I mean, you are my buddy and all and this is a real interesting problem. Does the sun shine in Amsterdam? I heard it doesn't, but didn't believe it. Would you believe that Cain and I have been living together for two weeks now and have yet to have an honest-to-god, rough-and-tumble roommate fist fight? Your Friend, Dave Graper