---------------------------------------- Note 10 grunt *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 6/13/79 3:17 pm lynch / udperuse / unidel whine / unidel 6/6/79 4:30 pm anonymous / unidel Dear Friends: Your push me 'round! You step in my face! You (unintelligible) dfghrytildkhlrtylcxhnc All over the place, but don't step on my blue suede shoes." That's what the folks who lived across the street were playing. Evidently, Elvis' deathday is coming round the bend and things are getting tight (?). ---------------------------------------- Response 1 of 2 6/13/79 3:18 pm lynch / udperuse / unidel whine/unidel 6/6/79 6:58 pm dan williams/udperuse/unidel Elvis' deathday is my birthday! ---------------------------------------- Response 2 of 2 *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 6/13/79 3:20 pm lynch / udperuse / unidel whine / unidel 6/6/79 10:40 pm anonymous / unidel Dear Dan: Wow! My father's birthday was John F. Kennedy's deathday! Everybody found out about it real fast, except for us. Why, the neighbors thought we were pretty cruel, suddenly bursting into laughter and barbequing steaks and playing games in the backyard and having loads of fun just as Kennedy got shot. Why, my mother went to the record store in Niagra county and said to the cashier, "This is a day for celebrating!" and everybody looked at her with shafts of visual hate thinking bad thoughts about her, even though she meant my dad's birthday and not . . .you know, hell, I guess we're not allowed to laugh at that____ yet. your Friend