--------------------------------- Note 7 I no nutin! *** A Story by Dr. Gra"per *** 12/4/78 3:52 pm pfister / udplato / unidel * graper / newauth / unidel 12/2/78 12:54 am * Dear Pfister: Seriously, now, you've probably got complaints. Well, I'm sorry. I am fucked up. Do you know I was speeding for my c467 presentation? I kept saying stuff like: [Dr. Graper in front of class of 50] DG:. . . .and of course, we see an obvious linear positive relationship between sex and news item usage in media concerned conversational topics. . . (Silly pain in the ass 50 year old continuing education student): But, can't that be explained by the weakness of your operationalization? [Dr. Graper turns to look at Black board, thinking] -Oh Christ, they ALL know I'm fucked up!- [Dr. Graper turns back around] DG: (Confidently addressing class) A weakness in op- erationalization can be expected in any questionnaire type format don't you think? ---------------------------------------- Response 1 of 1 *** A Story by Dr. Gra"per *** 12/4/78 3:53 pm pfister / udplato / unidel * graper / newauth / unidel 12/2/78 12:57 am * Finally the presentation was over. The professor frowned. It was a frown of failure. I was sure it was the end. Five times in the presentation I forgot what people's questions were and answered them randomly. [Happy Ending] Afterwards, most of my fellow students said stuff like, "Best Presentation so far, Dave," and "Logically thought out and sequenced. Good work." [Question] Are they sincere?