------------------------------------- Note 34 Bus *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 7/6/79 5:49 pm lynch / udperuse / unidel forum/unidel 4/26/79 12:51 am c moore/udnondev/unidel jokes/unidel 3/18/79 6:04 pm vallee/udnondev/unidel Watt??? Are you taking the BUS???!!! [ Pun on the word "watt" ] jokes/unidel 4/25/79 1:42 am c moore/udnondev/unidel (Seriously) I hope you are not joking about taking the bus. I get along with no car myself, and wouldn't like it if you implied that there is something wrong with taking the bus. (Said in response to vallee/udnondev.) ---------------------------------------- Response 1 of 4 7/6/79 5:50 pm lynch / udperuse / unidel forum/unidel 4/26/79 4:16 pm c moore/newauth/unidel Was the original line a pun on "bus" as well? forum / unidel 4/26/79 4:20 pm gerard / fhpauth / unidel Yes--BUS, roughly, is a connection board used in the back of micro-processors to attach terminals, teletypes, etc.... forum/unidel 4/27/79 1:39 pm c moore/newauth/unidel OK...I am now satisfied that use of public transportation was not being ridiculed. (I did not know about the use of "bus" in electronics.) ---------------------------------------- Response 2 of 4 *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 7/6/79 5:50 pm lynch / udperuse / unidel forum/unidel 4/27/79 3:50 pm graper/udperuse/unidel Dear Friends: I think using the bus is a lousy way to travel and I ridicule it and state that only people who have serious mental problems would ever take the bus and cool guys drive big cars like Bill Lynch. Your Friend, Dave Graper ---------------------------------------- Response 3 of 4 *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 7/6/79 5:51 pm lynch / udperuse / unidel forum / unidel 4/27/79 2:52 pm gerard / fhpauth / unidel I think taking a bus is a rotten idea. Everyone should use cars--it's simpler and more convenient! ---------------------------------------- Response 4 of 4 *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 7/6/79 5:52 pm lynch / udperuse / unidel forum/unidel 4/27/79 3:55 pm graper/udperuse/unidel Dear Friend: I agree. Unfortunately, I haven't got money for either a car or a bus, so I have to walk and hitch rides. But if I had the money, boy oh boy, I'd buy a Camaro '79 with "Badass" back tires and big side pipes and a 1000 cc overhead pop-shaft drive centered four by two and stuff like that. Your Friend, Dave Graper