--------------------------------- Note 13 I mean 2/16/79 11:21 am jim trueblood / udperuse / unidel Some people have all the nerve! I mean, I was looking for a piano to play in the downstairs music building, and there are only two good ones in the whole bunch. One was being used to practice flute. Well, I didn't complain about that, cuz she was kinda cute. Then I go to the other piano at the end of the hall, and there's this FREAK with long dark hair and a beanie sitting at the piano. Is he using it? NO, he doesn't even have the key- board open. What's he doing? -- crossing out lines in a history book or something. I mean, who's he to say he knows more about those guys in the pictures with wigs than the people who wrote the book. Those guys practically wrote the book on old guys with wigs, and this freak thinks he can cruise along revising history with trans- parent blue ink. It just goes to show what the world is coming to when freaks like that are allowed in the music building. You know, it's people like that that're the reason you can buy chocolate milk in 1-pint cartons for under 30c/ anymore.