----------------------------------- Note 12 Dr. G's rema *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 2/14/79 7:03 pm lynch / udplato / unidel philosophy/unidel 2/11/79 5:15 pm graper/newauth/unidel Dear Friends: Althought I don't know anything about philosophy, I would like to say that there are a lot of business majors anymore compared to philosophy majors and like I can't possibly. . . .no. Right. Take TWO Although I don't know much about philosophy, I can say this: What with there being so many business majors now there. . .forget it. Take THREE Although I don't know philosophy, I do know that Friedrich Nietzche was a business major and needed a night light at all times. Alright? Can I go back to GRAPENOTES now? Thanks! Your Friend, Dr. Graper