---------------------------------------- Note 27 Wit *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 2/10/78 3:06 pm lynch / unidel Dear Friends: Classes started yesterday, and already, in each class, I've made a bad impression. If YOU were there, I bet you'd settle back in your lecture hall chair and say: "My god, that man is a wit!" But not THESE bastards. No sir. Witticisms bounce off their granite heads like rubber bricks. Even the professors dislike me. No, I'm not one of their intimate clique of students, with their IN jokes and cute manners. There's this one professor, named Dr. John Hammerballs. I've got him for Nonverbal Communication Analysis. Truly, there is no less funny a man on campus. He says something in class, a typical joke set up, you know? So I stand up, scream out an outrageous pun, and ---------------------------------------- Response 1 of 3 *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 2/10/78 3:06 pm lynch / unidel sit down in my seat. Now if I may say so myself, when it comes to outrageous nonverbal communication puns, I am a master. I mean, the janitors out in the hall, with only their third grade educations, were rolling on the floor when they heard it. Well, Dr. Hammerballs stares back at me like I'd just raped his mother. "What is your name?" he asked. "Dr. Graper." "A 'Dr?' Hmmm" he looked over the role. "There is no Dr. Graper on the role. Just a student, a certain 'D. Graper'." "They NEVER seem to remember to put my title down." "I see. What are you a doctorate of?" "Humor." "I was quite frankly unaware that they gave doctorates in humor." "Everyone seems to think so." "I see." Now, he was clenching his fists on the edge of the podium so that his knuckles turned white. ---------------------------------------- Response 2 of 3 *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 2/10/78 3:08 pm lynch / unidel "I have a rule in my classroom, Mr. Graper." "'Dr.' Graper, if you please." "MR Graper," he reiterated. "When you come to my class, and when I am teaching my class, all people are to be silent!!" To this I stood facing him silently He went on, ". . .I should think we should have abandoned childish little games like the ones you seem to like to play long ago." Again I remained silent. He seemed to be enjoying the humiliation he was heaping upon me in front of my peers, " . .and so, MR Graper, I think that the rules of the class are clear. Are they not?" "Quite clear, sir." "Very well." With this he finally sat down in his chair in front of the blackboard where he customarily sat. "PHHAARRRRRTTTT!" went the whoopie cushion on his seat. It was a special one that I had rigged up ---------------------------------------- Response 3 of 3 *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 2/10/78 3:09 pm lynch / unidel with a CO2 cannister so that it was extremely loud and wouldn't shut off. "What?? What??" he shouted, leaning against the sliding blackboards. "WHOOSH BANGG!! went the upper blackboard as it slid down ten feet onto his fingers. YOWCH!! he shouted aloud, a scream that was quickly muted by the bucket of water that had been positioned atop the upperblackboard and which now was dumped all over his head. SWING went the trapdoor under him, sending him down to the basement a few floors down, AAHHHH he said while floating down , PHHAaarrttt. . . .went the cushion, stuck to Dr. Hammerballs backside. And after all this, nobody in the class even giggled. They just kept taking notes. Oh well. First impressions are worst impressions.