---------------------------------------- Note 24 Whoopee! *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 1/13/78 9:06 pm lynch / unidel { Written on September 15, 1977. } The "Vasco de Gama" lounge of the beautiful Houston Astor-Hilton hotel was ablaze with light and merriment as guest after guest arrived. Everybody who was anybody was there, all waiting to see the guest of honor who was to fly down to Houston that night. The event? Dr. Graper had just received an honorary sign on to PLATO, and was throwing this little bash in honor of it. Among the first to arrive was John Lennon and Henry Kissinger, both being driven up in Henry's custom built Rolls Royce. Soon after these two other social notables began crowding the doorway, all in hopes of getting a seat close to the stage where Dr. Graper would perform a piece especially composed for the occassion. As usual, several hundred news reporters attempted to gain entrace but were turned away by the burly guards at the gate. But they were not overly disappointed since Dr. Graper had phoned ahead and promised them a press conference after the evening's festivities. ---------------------------------------- Response 1 of 8 *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 1/13/78 9:07 pm lynch / unidel Then he arrived, the grand old doctor himself. Stepping out of his private helicopter to the cheers of his guests on the landing pad and the half million spectators gathered below, he grabbed a microphone and briefly greeted everyone. Then it was down the stairs to his dressing room and back again ten minutes later for cocktails with his comrades. The evening progressed smoothly, Dr. Graper performed flawlessly with Elton John accompanying him on the piano (promised to be released as "Dr. Graper: Live in Houston", by Epic records sometime in October), and then his bestowing of the Grand Air Medal of France to an obscure little man with a beard in the audience for his services. The highlights of the press conference follow: ---------------------------------------- Response 2 of 8 *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 1/13/78 9:09 pm lynch / unidel Dr: Alright, we'll start with you in the back from the Washington Post. WP: Dr Graper, could you verify or deny the rumor that you are considering marrying Farrah Fawcett Majors? Dr: I can only say that any rumors to that end are all totally untrue. Farrah and I are just good friends, and even though we spend a few weekends together now and then doesn't mean anything serious. You in back there from the New York Times? NYT: Dr Graper, is there any truth in your finding a cure for cancer? Dr: Partially. Actually, the men at the Graper Institute for disease research have been working on it and have had some limited success, but have not actually found a cure. I plan to stop by next Thursday and help them out, so I think you can be sure to have it by Thursday night or Friday at the latest. NE: Dr. Graper! Could you tell me. . . Dr: Guards! Take this fellow from the National Enquirer away. He didn't wait his turn. No, wait until? ---------------------------------------- Response 3 of 8 *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 1/13/78 9:10 pm lynch / unidel Dr: Wait until you get outside to do that. Yes, you from the National Geographic? NG: What is your opinion upon continental mass shifting? Dr: I'm all for it (Thundering applause) Oh please, stop. Stop it. Oh come on, I'm not really that great. Come on, stop the applause. Stop it. I mean it, stop it! (Applause continues for two and a half hours) Now, where was I? Oh yes, you from The Sidney Times? ST: Dr. Graper, is it true that you plan to purchase Australia? Dr: No. Now, I really must go. (Thunderous sounds of people going "Awww.") It's been very pleasant being here, and I'd like to thank you all, but I've got letters to answer and other things. See you all very soon. (The Doctor runs off the stage and the crowd goes wild) ---------------------------------------- Response 4 of 8 *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 1/13/78 9:11 pm lynch / unidel The scene outside the Hilton for this gala event was truly breathtaking. With Dr. Graper in his helicopter and far away, the people began the slow process of going home. Some had traveled for thousands of miles to be present for the event, and charter buses pulled out from the hotel in mile long chains. Hawkers outside were selling Dr. Graper T-shirts for outrageous prices, and pieces of his celebration cake were being sold for $200 an ounce. Overall it was a night to remember, a night that could only be equalled in excitement by an invasion from Mars or something along those grandiose lines. Truly, it would be a night forever held in the minds of men. ---------------------------------------- Response 5 of 8 *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 1/13/78 9:12 pm lynch / unidel I would only like to say that I wish I could have been in attendence of Dr. Graper's sign on party but I was too drunk to go. Billy Carter ---------------------------------------- Response 6 of 8 *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 1/13/78 9:12 pm lynch / unidel Congrats, Doc! Best Wishes for you and Plato! Jesus Christ ---------------------------------------- Response 7 of 8 *** A Story by Dr. Graper *** 1/13/78 9:13 pm lynch / unidel In honor of your getting a sign on Doctor, I have okayed the demolition of fifteen large drive thru franchises. You pick any fifteen, and they're gone, buddy!! Ronald McDonald ---------------------------------------- Response 8 of 8 1/15/78 12:20 pm brazee / ames Is Kissinger a Leninist? Good thing Groucho wasn't also in that shared ride!