---------------------------------------- Note 1 Purpose 12/7/77 11:20 am anonymous *personal* 12/6/77 5:33 pm lynch / unidel (minn) guidonotes 12/6/77 2:38 pm dr graper / udmusic Dear XXXXX: Yes, I am in favor of whatever you were saying. Right? What? Oh, yes, of course, notefiles, put me in one. No? I mean. . .look, I love exposure. I need attention. Show me how to get both and you'll get my love By every good thing here on earth and God above I want to write, but baby, you know that I can't lie, so get me on that notefile, babe, or I will die. Dr. David J. Graper, Master of Reality lately feeling bad since he's low on money, but bound to feel better on Friday when his check comes